Wednesday 28 June 2017

Production Diary

Monday 26th June:
This is the first day of our preliminary task and we have researched a range of songs that we have short listed. Some of the songs that we have short listed are, Yours-Ella Henderson, 7 Things- Miley Cyrus, Bitter Sweet Symphony-The Verve as well as 212 by Azaelia Banks. The song we have chosen is 212 of which we will use 2 different actors within.
Tuesday 27th June:
Today we have analysed the 212 music video and Leah and Antonio have screen grabbed a range of different cuts within the music video. Each shot they numbered and decided where we should film this video, and what locations we decided to chose. The primary location being in school as most of the beginning is in front of a brick wall.
Wednesday 28th June:
In todays lesson we have decided that we will conduct the video up until the 40-42 second mark to cut out the rude language. As well as this, the locations we have decided to film the video is in school, in a corner shop and outside a local house.
Thursday 29th June:
Today was the first day of filming for our preliminary task and we filmed the majority of the video. We filmed all the mid and close up shots with the girl and boy. We have analysed the footage that we have too choose from when pairing all the video together.
Friday 30th June:
Sophie, Leah and Ant have all gone off site and this is our final day of filming. We have filmed the last extra clips, for example the ones of the house outside and within the shop. Once we had filmed all of these clips we imported these onto premiere
Monday 3rd July:
This is the first day of editing. We have all the footage already imported previously. We placed all the footage in order that we could and matched it up to the main 212 video, along with the soundtrack.
Tuesday 4th July:
Today, we carried on with our editing for our preliminary. Our main focus in editing for today was to perfect the timings between each cut before we added any video effects such as the black & white effect. During this hour, Sophie spent lots of time ensuring the details from both videos matched. After this, Sophie then used the black & white effect on the entire footage.
Thursday 6th July:
Today is our last day before we are able to hand in all of our work for media and it is the final deadline before we leave school until year 13. We have got to complete all of our previous tasks as well as all of our prelim tasks which consist of the storyboard, evaluation and the prelim video.

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Music Video