Thursday 14 September 2017


How do you consume music?
When? Do you have a daily music routine? Is some music more suitable at a certain time of day than another?
Music is apart of my daily routine especially whilst I am in school. Music helps whilst I am revising and studying for exams, as well as doing homework, it acts as a relaxing mechanism. Whilst I am studying I like to listen to a calming playlist that has minimal words which helps me concentrate. In addition I like to listen to music whilst I am getting ready or just going around daily tasks which either accompanies my mood or is used to help lift my mood. 
I believe a faster type of music is better to be listened to before an event to help get you enjoyable and excited.

Where at Gigs, Car, School?
The main place that I wish to listen to music is mainly in my bedroom whilst I am revising/studying as well as getting ready in the morning or before going out. As well as this, I enjoy listening to music in the car whilst I am driving as this fills time whilst travelling somewhere and is comforting whilst I am alone. Driving with music also allows me to discover news songs if I was to put the radio on which I do from time to time, however I normally plug my phone in through the media player and play songs off one of my playlists.
I have also been to festivals and concerts revolving purely around music which I believe to be an amazing experience if you enjoy music, as this way you can enjoy all types of music with friends/family. For example, going to a festival for a weekend allows you to go to acts that you may have heard one or two of theirs songs in the charts however they may sing different songs, this way you can discover new music.

Who with? do you share your music or is it an individual experience?
Sometimes it varies as to who I share my music with as most of the time I do listen to my music individually, however when I listen to my music in the car it is usually shared with another person. My music isn't really an acquired taste as it is mainly music in the charts, which is normally shown on the radio. In addition to this, when I do listen to music on my own it will usually be whilst I am doing some work to help me concentrate or if I am in the car on my own. 

How? radio, computer, ipod, tv, live, dancing, homework, getting ready ie doing other things - background wallpaper.
The main type of device that I would listen to my music from is through a phone/ipad/laptop and usually connect this to a speaker of some sort. Sometimes I will connect my phone to my speaker in my bedroom, in addition to this I normally connect my phone within the car as well through a lead. 

Why? What are the pleasures associated with music consumption? What does it offer the audience and what needs does it gratify?
Normal pleasures that acquire listening to music is either joy or sadness. Sometimes I listen to music to block out anything if I am upset or in a down mood, however if I am really happy I also enjoy listening to music to accompany my mood.

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