Thursday 19 October 2017

Cross Media Task

Within today's lesson we was taught on how synergy is used within the music industry, such as using connections throughout the website, digipak, video and promotion of the band. We analysed the band Daft Punk.

  • Their album named Random Access Memory gave us a visual idea of how the group presents themselves as a DJ band with futuristic and past visuals. For example their album  cover uses a mask animation picture, with the slanted italic font on the background for the songs in the album. They use this image and vibe throughout their work, such as in their website, digipak and teaser. Their album has a sci-fi vibe. 
The video above shows how daft punk released a teaser trailer for the release of their new album called Random Access Memory. This trailer relates with the album, due to the incorporation with the mask, as well as the motherboard and colour use of black and white lights. They also have "confidential" in the video, which could relate with the fact that the mask gives the vibe that the artist doesn't  want to be revealed, therefore they do not want to show themselves, however just portray an image. 

This video above is the actual video for their single released called 'Get Lucky'. This is the version that was made for MTV which is aimed towards a younger audience. Within this video, they use synergy by the use of the mask worn by the background band members. In addition, pharrell is dressed in a costume in black and white which has flexes of white lights, linking with the motherboard bright lights in the teaser video. The use of cartoon also relates back to the idea of sci-fi with a vibe of transformers and space. In addition this shows gives another synergistic approach of a vintage throw back, linking with the use of the vinyl in the teaser video. This is to entice the audience that is already present to Daft Punk and have been fans for years. MTV also use pharrell within this video, and glorify him, as this gives the video a present approach rather than just having a past and future visuals. The glove close up within this video, is the exact same as used in the teaser video, creating another link. 

As for the original video, this is a video that is more aimed towards their original target audience and their current fans, for this reason they don't have to incorporate futuristic and pop visuals within the video as the fans already know Daft Punk. The titles within this at the beginning of the video do have the same font style that is used on the album, therefore presenting synergy also in this video. Although pharrell is in this video, he isn't glorified like in the MTV video as Daft Punk do not need to lure an audience, by using the popularity of a current artist, they already have a fan base. Within this, they use the idea of the past by having grainy effects layered over the top of the video, as well as using old props such as the old fashioned car and the camera. However, this then switch's to the futuristic idea with the robot heads in the streets, which keeps the theme of technology and sci-fi, which was their original approach. 

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Music Video