Friday 6 October 2017


We took a range of artists videos to create our visuals against our song "I Wont". We used a variety of old and new videos, with one inspiring us from a pop genre where as the rest are based around the theme of country; our main focus.  

Above shows a sequence that has been put together which gives an idea of as a group, the type of visuals we would like to include within the music video. For example it starts with a pan over the artists boots as she is walking. We would like to do this when the video opens to welcome in the music video to the audience. In addition, we would like to also involve a variety of shots such as close ups, mid shots, pans, zooming in and out, as well as incorporating a range of different props that help us with transitions and acting within the video; such as using a hat to throw whilst using this as a transition from one shot to another.

As for the basis of the music video, as shown in the visuals above, throughout the video we would like to film within country genre themed locations such as fields, barns as well as making our own set up to film. So as a group, we could use school facilities such as the drama studio, and we could also use props in making a set like the ones in the above video. For example, we would like to get a plain black background whilst incorporating fairy lights, studio lights and this would count as one of the locations where we interact with the audience by lip syncing the song and singing to the camera. We could also use guitars and hats within this setting.

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Music Video