Thursday 19 October 2017

Synergy Artist Analysis


Above shows the album covers from Miley Cyrus' new release named "younger now". Above shows the album cover; front and back, with the same synergy on both of the covers. From this Miley has gone for the theme of bright colours, incorporating her old country vibes however making this look more pop, which will intrigue both her old audience, as well as enticing a new younger audience. The font on the back corresponds with the same font that was used within her website. This ensures that all platforms link together. In addition, the colour of the font used also links with the video as the font on the album is the same used when her name is presented, as well as this, 'younger now' is also put onto the video in the same font that is stitched onto the back of Cyrus' jacket. 'Younger now' is also presented on the parade truck, which is again the same font that is used throughout. The contrasting fonts of 'younger now' and the text used for the songs in the album links with the contrasting visuals that are used within the video, for example, the contrast of her old music; country and of her new music;pop. 

This video above is the single released by Miley Cyrus that is on her newly released album, also named "younger now". This video has the same theme as the album cover, therefore continuing with synergy throughout all of her work. She uses the idea of dolls and mannequins, which give the video a strange feel although this is what Miley is trying to do, she want to take her old country approach along with her breakthrough era, of the wrecking ball, which will always be held with Cyrus. Within the video, she uses the same colours that are on the website and on her album covers, making sure all of it is linked together and the artist has a secure image that is remembered by her audiences.

The font used in the website is also the same that is used on the front and back of the album cover. In addition to this, all of the same colours are used linking all platforms together, such as the yellow background of the home page and the main colour of the album. The use of yellow being the main colour is significant as Miley will be recognized with this, as it is bold and bright. 

1 comment:

  1. Very 60s colours, probably because she's reflecting through the years. They're not really in the video are they? She has got a lot of styles in that.


Music Video