Wednesday 14 June 2017

Carol Verallis

Carol Verallis' theory is based on music editing. Based around 4 key concepts which are Narrative, Editing, Camera Movement/Framing, Diegesis.
  • Video is the visual response to the narrative, whatever is happening visually reflects the lyrics in the song
  • Narrative may not always be completed, dysfunctional/fragmented.
  • The video may disrupt or break the conventions of continuity editing. Editing may also be brought to the foreground. May see Jump cuts, Breaks of the 360 degree rule, cutting with the beat, juxtaposed frames and graphic matches.
  • Establishing shots are one of the key features. Medium and close up shots also establish the artist.
  • The style of framing is also distinctive.
  • Setting of the video.
  • Sounds within the setting (cut to diegetic sound)(birds, cars, people).

As shown above, the music video 'Pound the Alarm' has approximately 366 camera cuts and shots. This music video has a lot of flickering ghosting effects which enhances the amount of cuts. They use this in order to tease the audience of what the artist is going to show, such as performance and location.

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Music Video