Friday 29 September 2017

Lip Sync

This is the lip sync task that all members within our group had to participate within. As you can see, we all took it in turns so that we all separately sung a part of the song. This is so that we could see how well each person could sing along to the song, so that as a group we could evaluate who sings it the best and who should perform. From this task, as a group we have decided we would like to consist of three girls within a band. Therefore, Ale would be our manager and do all of the behind the scenes tasks such as filming the video, as well as this, we will all share out tasks between the group such as the production diary, digipak/website research and similar music videos within the genre we are focusing on.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Outfit Ideas



OUTFIT 1- Check Shirt and Jeans (Dead Straight)

OUTFIT 2- Blue Denim Jacket, Pink Vest, White Jeans, Plaited/Straight Hair

OUTFIT 3- White top, Blue denim skirt and jacket, Trainers


OUTFIT 1- Check Shirt and Jeans (Afro)

OUTFIT 2- Blue Denim Jeans and Jacket, Black Vest, Low Ponytail

OUTFIT 3-  White long sleeve tee, Black skirt, Boots


OUTFIT 1- Check Shirt and Jeans (Braids)

OUTFIT 2- Black Denim Jacket, Jeans and Vest, Sraight Hair

OUTFIT 3- Stripy shirt with belt, Jeans and Boots

Friday 22 September 2017

Evidence of Presenting

This is evidence that as a group we pitched our ideas to the rest of the class.

Student Music Videos

- Editing is fluent and all cuts are in time with the beat which makes all of the video flow together. 
-They have a variety of locations that all link with the theme and image that they are trying to represent. 
- The use of the powder paint works well as it links with the persona that are trying to be portrayed by the artists.
- Use of variety of shots, such as on the stairs, in buildings in between rocks. 
- It is slightly repetitive with the flashes incorporated within the editing as this happens quite a lot.

- This has a variety of shots within to make the whole music video different.
- They have edited well with the effects over the top to make the video look more rustic and make all the clips link with each other. There are also other techniques such as the fade and 
- Range of camera shots such as pan, stationary and track. 
- Good use of lighting to fit in with the theme of the video.
- Different use of ideas such as the fridge with cameras. 
- It gets a bit boring throughout as nothing new is really introduced such as a range of different editing/locations. 
- Sometimes gets fast then slow and is a bit confusing.

- Good relationship shown between the boy and girl actor. The audience can make believe that they match together. 
- The use of the props and where the actors are does link with the song such as when they are in the car and the lyrics say "in the back seat of your rover". 
- Minimal locations are used therefore there isn't much variety to the video. 
- There isn't a lot of editing used within it, such as there are just straight cuts and not many transitions to make the video flow. 
- It gets a bit boring as the only bit of lip syncing is in the same location all the time. 
- Nothing new is introduced which doesn't give the audience anything to cling onto. 

- I like the idea that they follow the boy around and you are following him on his story during the music video which makes him engage in the video. 
- Variety of camera shots.
- There isn't any lip syncing in the video therefore just following the boy gets a bit tedious. 
- Some of the props like the teddy bear seem a bit irrelevant and don't make sense in correlation with the lyrics in the video. 
- Lots of different lighting which doesn't make all the shots flow together and makes the video look a bit broken. 

- A good range of editing incorporated such as the fades and transitions and makes it look like a shadow over the top of one shot to another. 
- Good use of props such as the money as the title does have dollar signs within therefore they are making pure links through the mise en scene. 
- They all work well together as a group and make the audience believe that they have a good relationship between each other. 
- Reverse shot works well within the editing and all shots. 
- Gets a bit repetitive towards the end with the overlay of colours. 
- The sprinkler clip is used a lot of times and doesn't introduce anything new to the audience.
- Some of the shots do not have good lighting. 

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Group Pitch Ideas

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Feedback from Classmates...
Andra Day - Rearview 
Class Response:

  • Too sad which would mean the audience wouldn't engage
  • Slow 
  • Has a boring tune, meaning it would be had to produce an interesting music video 
Bea Miller - Buy Me Diamonds
Class Response:

  • Already has a music video therefore doesn't fit our brief 
  • But the song would have been perfect otherwise
Neon Jungle - Fool Me
Class Response:

  • Needed to be more upbeat 
  • The pitch doesn't change and has a constant/repetitive rhythm 
  • No one could visualise creative ideas 
Camera Ideas for the whole video
  • Driving through the country side
  • Being moody and angrily singing close up to the camera  
  • Focused on a country hat, the girls would throw the hat into the air with the camera following, then the hat would land in a different location which makes up one of the transitions
  • Flip between various locations quickly

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Production Diary

Today is the first day Sophie, Ale, Renae and Pip all sat down together and discussed what song we would like to do and what themes we would like to portray within the music video. We first came up with the idea of having one person act as the artist and be the focus of the video, however we found multiple songs such as "i won't" by little mix, of which all three girl would participate in the music video to make a girl group. We thought this to be the best idea, as our thoughts all linked together and we thought this would be a good idea for the whole of the music video.
Today we were making our presentation that we have to present to the class tomorrow. Within this presentation we have to include what music videos have given us ideas for our music video. We have also included songs which we have considered and then also the two songs that we have narrowed our choices down to. Also in the presentation we have spoke about the props we hope to use in our video, the settings we hope to film in and also the costumes we will wear. We have also discussed a few band names and are hoping to come up with a few more tomorrow so that we have a wide range that our peers can choose from to help us decide. 

During today's lesson we all sat down and analysed student music videos and decided what level we would put the video into. For example, we looked at ex-student videos from our school that made their music videos last year as well as from other schools such as Hertwood House and Latima. In addition to this, we got set a separate task where we had to find 5 other student videos and list the positives and negatives of each of the video and decide what level they would be. 
We have finally finished our group pitch videos and we are now ready to present. Within the lesson today, we pitched our ideas to the rest of our class and received feedback from our class mates of which they enhanced our ideas as well as gave us suggestions that we have considered but may not incorporate. 
Today we all sat down together and recapped on what we have to do according to our lap charts, for example, checking all of the blog posts that are there have been completed. In addition to this we have all gone over our timetables and decided which days we can all shoot and meet up and we have dedicated every lesson as well as frees to film this music video. We have also decided on who will do which job, for example with Ale being the director and filming the whole music video, he is also going to do the research and analysis into the website and digipaks. However, we have also separated all of the other tasks between Pip, Renae and Sophie. 

Within the lesson, Sophie started the Stealomatic Task which is an ongoing task which will take around a week to complete. Pip was filmed by Renae, doing the Lip sync task which each of us will have to do it as well. Then she started to edit it to have the song played along side it to see how well her lip syncing was. Ale was getting up to date with his blog and also completed the days production diary.
Today Renae, Sophie and Ale completed their lip sync for the lip sync task while Pip filmed it and then when finished edited the lip sync task into a video to upload on our blogs. Sophie then carried on with the Stealomatic Task and then Ale and Renae completed blog work.

Today we focused on planning who was going to sing each shot in the video, we created a presentation on this with many different slides deciding how many shots we were going to have throughout the whole video. We know that this will be a big help when filming our music video because it means that we will be prepared for every shot. 
Today we planned which of us girls was going to sing each part of the song, this is a vital part of our planning because before we start filming we have to make sure we know who is lip syncing which part of the song so we can prepare correctly. 
Today Ale is doing research for our digipak and the website, Pip is continuing with the lyric breakdown to ensure we know exactly what parts of the song each of us are singing. Sophie is researching into the artist of our chosen song (Little Mix) and into similar genre websites and CD covers.
During today's session Pip started the storyboard for which we will use whilst we are filming to give us guidance. This storyboard including the actions for which we will carry out throughout each lyric and how long each act would last for. This consisted of us understanding who will sing what bit.
In addition to individual work for the band, our teacher introduced us to the software 'screencastify' of which we looked at a variety of artists websites. Our teacher showed us how we should use this software in analyzing the website. We was told to have a look at what type of websites inspire us so that we could get some ideas for our own creation when we make it on wix. In addition we all made our own scripts so that this can be spoken whilst we talk over the website. Renae analysed little mix, Pip analysed Fifth Harmony's, Sophie analysed Rihanna's and Ale analysed Oasis. 
Today is our first day of filming, pip drove us all to hylands park where we filmed in a variety of locations around the park. For example we all individually sung the song against a wooden wall, then we all performed together and tried to do a lot of camera shots such as pans, tracking, low and high angles. We all had similar looks within our checkered shirts, jeans and boots, of which we all had signature hairstyles as we wanted to look different but within a country location. We got enough footage, as well as this, we took a lot of photos in order for us to build our website, magazine, Twitter/Instagram pages and digipak.

Tuesday's lesson consisted of us analysing the footage that we had recorded on Monday, and we did import some of this footage onto our editing software Premiere Pro. This was so we could get an idea of what the footage looks like along with the audio from the song we chose. In addition, Ale made a start on the digipak by going through the images we took and he selected our strongest one from that day to make a start on. 
We have now got a rough idea of the other locations we would like to film in, for example setting up a set within our school in our drama studio with a plain background and fairy lights, we are also waiting for a response from Marsh Farm and we would also like to film at a golf club that is based in a country area, a long with being a barn. We also came up with a range of names for our band with out teacher and we had the people around us vote for the ones they liked the most. The contenders now are Trinity, Blue Moon and French Vanillas. 
Today was spent planning for our next shooting trip to marsh farm. This included gathering information about how we would get there, what specific locations we wanted to use and what outfits and props we needed to bring with us. Ale and Sophie also focused on producing out social media accounts so that we could publicize the making of our music video. 
The Marsh Farm Shoot was booked for today so all four of us went. We 
spent the whole day filming and had perfect lighting just before the sun started to set while we were filming in the corn field, giving us amazing lighting and superb shots to include in out video. We filmed in various locations such as in the barn with the animals such as the pigs and the horses. We also filmed within the Maize Maze where we managed to film from a variety of angles and shots. 
From returning from Marsh Farm yesterday, we had a lesson where our teacher spoke to us about Cross Media and Synergy and how this should be used within our planning and work for the video. We analysed Daft Punk from their album covers to their teaser video and official videos. From this we learnt that we need to incorporate the same colours, costumes and themes throughout all of our work in our digipak, website, and promotion for our band. We also went through all the footage and images from yesterday. Ale has also made a start on our website. 
Ale wasn't in today's lesson therefore it was only the girls. Renae and pip made a start with the editing of the first draft of the music video, and Sophie finished the cross media task, edited the vlog from the Marsh Farm shoot day, and also edited the photos of the outfits we wore at Marsh Farm. Pip also continued with the plan of the lyric breakdown which helped Renae with what shot to put where within the video.  

Today, Pip is carrying on with adding some more footage onto Premiere. Ale is doing website research in order to make our website the best matched to our band. Sophie has been working on making the magazine so she has been doing some magazine research to ensure we have  included all of the right things. I have been analysing the photos that we are planning on using for our digipak. 
We have now returned back to school from our half term holiday, of which we have undertook various tasks individually. In addition, pip was absent today however Ale, Sophie and Renae did work within the class. Our teacher caught us up on work that we needed to finish before deadlines such as the halfway evaluation on Friday.
Sophie continued with the editing of the music video today to ensure that there is a first draft done for the halfway evaluation. Pip has finished the storyboard images and is now taking photos of it ready for it to be filmed. Renae has continued with other work such as presentations. Ale has also carried on with the website and has made a large progress with focusing on the tour and biography page.
We finally decided we wanted to go back to hylands to gain some more footage, such as long shots and establishing shots. We wanted to shoot these as a chance to build up our music video and add in an opening to make the video look more put together. Renae, Pip and Ale all went to hylands, whilst Sophie stayed editing the music video and finishing off extra pieces of work. Pip also started on the editing of the storyboard and Ale progressed with the digipak designs. 
Today Sophie is editing and adding in more footage onto the music video, we are trying to get as much as we can done with the video in order for the halfway evaluation deadline. Ale is finishing of the album cover today and also working on the website. Renae has been working on the halfway evaluation Prezi, it is important to do this as it allows us to see where we are as a group and whether or not we are on target to finish on time.
Today we presented our halfway evaluation prezi to the class, this was a grat task because it meant that we gained feedback from our classmates on what we needed to work on and also what they thought was good. 
Today Sophie is editing more of our music video, Pip is finishing off the storyboard, Ale and Renae are working on the digipak and planning when we can have our photoshoot for this.
Pip finished the feedback and published it on the blog. Ale looked an improving the website from the new feedback we were given. Sophie added to the editing and then moved on to add her improvements to the magazine cover. Leaving Renae to cack on with the digipak.  
After analysing the video thoroughly and making a decision yesterday, we have decided we need to undertake a photoshoot for our digipak. We have decided that we want to be dressed in simplistic outfits so that one of the girls in the band do not stand out in contrast to another member. We all want to look equal. We have decided to do this photoshoot at Hylands Park again, our original shooting location. 
Today we did not have a lesson however as a group we undertook tasks individually such as adding to the website, editing, magazine research and editing the digipak. 
After our reshoot of the 14th we decided to analyse all the footage as a group and decide which clips we should use in the music video. Ale has almost finished off the website with all the merchandise finalised, Renae has made a lot of progress with the digipak, Pip and Sophie edited the music video in turn, with Pip doing extra research and Sophie almost finishing the magazine cover. 

Today Renae continued with the digipak, she printed it off in order to receive feedback from our teachers and our classmates to see if it needs any improvements. Pip continued with editing the music video, Sophie continued with creating the magazine and Ale finished off the website and published it. 
Today Sophie continued editing, Pip and Renae through the digipak feedback and discussed what needed to be tweaked and added, Ale worked on Photoshop to create some better photos for the digipak .
Today Pip is editing the video, Sophie is finishing off the magazine to be able to print it off to hand out to our class mates to gain feedback, Renae is working on the digipak and Ale is ensuring that all of his blog posts are up to date.
Today we filmed our interview for our band with billboard, where we was asked various questions concerning our tour, album and band in general. In addition, we played a game for the interview which was an accent challenge. Whilst the girls did this, Ale carried on with the website production.
Within todays lesson, Sophie looked into magazine articles some more to get an idea of what hers should look like, Pip carried on with editing the video and Renae with the digipak. Ale also finalised all of the website and made any changes that needed to be finished.
Everyone made sure that their blogs were up to date and everyone had the equal amount of content. The group also came together to ensure what was missing on eachothers blogs and understood what blog posts just hadn't been started.
Sophie has almost finished the magazine article and Renae has taken off all of the negatives to do with the digipak and has made it look just like we need it.
Today we did not have a lesson however as a group we undertook tasks individually such as adding to the website, editing, magazine research and editing the digipak.
After our reshoot of the 14th we decided to analyse all the footage as a group and decide which clips we should use in the music video. Ale has almost finished off the website with all the merchandise finalised, Renae has made a lot of progress with the digipak, Pip and Sophie edited the music video in turn, with Pip doing extra research and Sophie almost finishing the magazine cover. 

Today Renae continued with the digipak, she printed it off in order to receive feedback from our teachers and our classmates to see if it needs any improvements. Pip continued with editing the music video, Sophie continued with creating the magazine and Ale finished off the website and published it. 
Today Sophie continued editing, Pip and Renae through the digipak feedback and discussed what needed to be tweaked and added, Ale worked on Photoshop to create some better photos for the digipak .
Today Pip is editing the video, Sophie is finishing off the magazine to be able to print it off to hand out to our class mates to gain feedback, Renae is working on the digipak and Ale is ensuring that all of his blog posts are up to date. 
Today Ale continued with some finishing touches on the website, whilst Renae and Pip worked on their blog posts and finally Sophie has started the magazine article. 

Throughout our lesson we all looked over our blogs to see what was missing and what work we needed more of; we concluded on extra work was needed for research and this work is all underway by each of our team members.
We finally presented our first draft presentations and recieved feedback from our peers where there assessed all of our work so far. We discussed this with them to ensure that all of our work achieves all requirements.
After recieving feedback yesterday, we have made our digipak a main priority and the continuation of the video editing is still going on. A lot of improvements to the editing is and has been made, as well as finalising the website alongside the feedback. 
Sophie has finalised the magazine article and ensured it matches up to the template chosen. Pip has also carried on with the editing of the video making sure it is clear and crisp in between each transition, and both ale and renae have been working on the digipak and research. 
Today is our deadline for our website and digipak to both be completed of which we have achieved, this allows us to focus on the video and to recieve any feedback on these texts if any small changes need to be made to ensure it is the best it can be. 

Monday 18 September 2017

Individual Song Suggestions

As a class, we have been told to individually research into the music industry and find our own songs that we could possibly to for the music video task. This song choice can be of a wide range, from as late as 20's music to present day. This is a difficult task due to the variety of genres of music, as I believe it would be quite interesting to do a different type of music video to what the typical pop music artist/band would do now. For example, a country music video interests me as well as country music itself, in addition, I do like R&B and pop as well (which is what I usually listen too) but this won't be as easy to go down a different route as many people will stay in their comfort zone and do this type of music.

My first suggestion of a song is Only You by Sarah Close.
 I like this song as I feel like it has a pop rhythm too it however her voice is quite calming and very indistinctive. As well as this, I believe this song will be quite different and the artist could adapt a very unique image as we could either go down the route of being edgy and crazy or innocent and sweet. Although the downside to this song is that it does become quite repetitive and the background sounds could be quite annoying and piercing to listen to over and over, I feel like I could get quite bored of the song quickly after listening to it for a few times.  

My second suggestion is Halsey's Control.
This song interests me because we could take a darker approach to the music video and incorporate a range of different locations with water, sun, rain as well having blank canvases behind the artist. I believe this song could be a good choice as again this does not sound like any other artist and will not be compared to many. In addition, you could go many ways with the music videos such as the artist being grungy the whole way through, or the beginning they could be innocent then shock the audience by turning violent. However, with this song being so mysterious, we could get carried away with the artist having too live up to looking so soulless that the video could get confusing for some of the audience and we may not achieve our aim. 

Finally, I found many different songs that I love, unfortunately they did have music videos although they aren't very well known artists. 
The songs are:
Like That- Bea Miller
Travelin Soldier- Dixie Chicks 
Buy Me Diamonds- Bea Miller
Colors- Halsey

Thursday 14 September 2017


How do you consume music?
When? Do you have a daily music routine? Is some music more suitable at a certain time of day than another?
Music is apart of my daily routine especially whilst I am in school. Music helps whilst I am revising and studying for exams, as well as doing homework, it acts as a relaxing mechanism. Whilst I am studying I like to listen to a calming playlist that has minimal words which helps me concentrate. In addition I like to listen to music whilst I am getting ready or just going around daily tasks which either accompanies my mood or is used to help lift my mood. 
I believe a faster type of music is better to be listened to before an event to help get you enjoyable and excited.

Where at Gigs, Car, School?
The main place that I wish to listen to music is mainly in my bedroom whilst I am revising/studying as well as getting ready in the morning or before going out. As well as this, I enjoy listening to music in the car whilst I am driving as this fills time whilst travelling somewhere and is comforting whilst I am alone. Driving with music also allows me to discover news songs if I was to put the radio on which I do from time to time, however I normally plug my phone in through the media player and play songs off one of my playlists.
I have also been to festivals and concerts revolving purely around music which I believe to be an amazing experience if you enjoy music, as this way you can enjoy all types of music with friends/family. For example, going to a festival for a weekend allows you to go to acts that you may have heard one or two of theirs songs in the charts however they may sing different songs, this way you can discover new music.

Who with? do you share your music or is it an individual experience?
Sometimes it varies as to who I share my music with as most of the time I do listen to my music individually, however when I listen to my music in the car it is usually shared with another person. My music isn't really an acquired taste as it is mainly music in the charts, which is normally shown on the radio. In addition to this, when I do listen to music on my own it will usually be whilst I am doing some work to help me concentrate or if I am in the car on my own. 

How? radio, computer, ipod, tv, live, dancing, homework, getting ready ie doing other things - background wallpaper.
The main type of device that I would listen to my music from is through a phone/ipad/laptop and usually connect this to a speaker of some sort. Sometimes I will connect my phone to my speaker in my bedroom, in addition to this I normally connect my phone within the car as well through a lead. 

Why? What are the pleasures associated with music consumption? What does it offer the audience and what needs does it gratify?
Normal pleasures that acquire listening to music is either joy or sadness. Sometimes I listen to music to block out anything if I am upset or in a down mood, however if I am really happy I also enjoy listening to music to accompany my mood.

30 Second Breakdown

The music video above by Khalid shown above is the one I will be analysing.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Banana Phone

This task was set to us as an introduction to our music video task. This was to enhance our editing and filming skills. We used a variety of techniques such as cloning, depth of field; a little and large shot so that the person looks small in the background and the object looks bigger. We also had to do a reverse effect which is shown in the video above. The last type of technique we used was wheelchair and tripod tracking shot. Doing all of these techniques enables us to learn new effects and different ways of shooting in preparation for our music video. I like the idea of the cloning shots and we may use something like this within my music video as there is going to be three of us.

Music Video