Friday 27 October 2017

Location 1

For our first location we all went to Hylands Park (a local country park) where we decided to shoot next to the wooden play area for our mid shot background and we then went to look around the other areas in the park where we found a nice arc with an artistic background of flowers and greenery. We thought this would fit our theme as we wanted a country approach with a girly theme running through. This is also noticeable through our outfits worn within this location. 

Monday 23 October 2017

Magazine Research

Miley Cyrus within her billboard shoot inspires us as a group as this shoot revolved around the countryside with being in a wheat field and with her guitar. This magazine especially focuses on Miley's country era due to the location, also the colours of the text used also relates back to Miley because this colour is used a lot with her music.  

Shawn Mendes' shoot for billboard we like the idea of as the location is quite rustic and has an autumnal vibe. In addition the outfit that is worn is similar to the outfit Sophie wore for her first outfit at marsh farm. This magazine cover draws us the most with the initial focus on the artist, however the text is quite muted which is the approach we like.

This magazine that has Haim as the front cover inspires us as a band of three members. The intimacy portrayed within the photo we like due to the band looking as though they are connecting with their audience/readers. From this image, we also like the idea of having the V which could be an idea of the magazine representing our logo as a band named "Vanilla".  
We also like the idea of the black and white as it looks stripped down and basic, however it still intrigues an audience. 

After researching various different magazine brands, for our band Vanilla, we have decided to create a magazine cover for the company billboard. We decided on this type of magazine as we believe it has a variety of bands and artists as well as have a wide audience. We wish to intrigue a large audience into our upcoming band. 
In addition to this, with billboard being American music magazine, this will allow our band to be advertised across a wide audience and this can include a range of information from music to extra general information such as personal and private. 

Vanilla Logo Ideas

This is the first logo that has been edited for our band 'Vanilla'. We like this style of writing with it being bold but also feel as though with the stripping detail it links well with the guitar image, also linking with the theme of wooden planks that we have in various locations within our video. As a country band, we wanted to incorporate a guitar in somewhere as we felt this would be a good representation of our genre, therefore editing in a blank guitar we feel works quite well as a symbol instead of the 'I'. 
The Font is called Phosphate. 

This was our second example of our logo. We wanted too change from the guitar to an image that linked more with out music video, such as a microphone or plank of wood. We decided against the wood idea as we thought this could be quite boring. 
This is an example of our final logo. We decided to test it in two different colours too see what it would look like for our different variety of tasks such as the website and magazine. We decided this logo links with our music video the most in comparison to the rest of the logos, due to the other microphone logo being too 'pop' as we thought this current microphone linked more with a country theme. 

Friday 20 October 2017

Album Name and Song Titles

Album Name: Vanilla 
  1. On Our Own
  2. Countryside
  3. Rough and Tough
  4. Lovers
  5. Explosion
  6. Road to follow
  7. Admiration
  8. Sight on you
  9. 3X3
  10. Backseat Passenger
Above shows the name of our album and all of the songs that we would like to use for its release. We chose the name vanilla for our album as we are an upcoming band that is new and needs to create a brand image. We thought name Vanilla which matches our band name would be a good idea as this make a bold statement for our band, also with the need to intrigue a new audience having the album and band name the same, the band would be easily recognisable by anyone who saw us or listened to our music. 
We thought of all of these song titles in addition to the album as we wanted an album that would be relatable to many, along with being relatable to our target audience. 

Lyric Breakdown

Lyric breakdown from englefieldf11

Here is an example of all the timings of each lyric that is sung within the song. We timed how long each  line takes so that we could evaluate the song and see what type of shots and angles we would like to incorporate within the song. We also wrote in an idea for who will sing what line so we get a wide variety. 

Thursday 19 October 2017

Shot List

Establishing shot – showing the audience where you are 

·           Wide shot at marsh farm showing where we are and what we all look like
 Medium shot – seeing what the audience sees
·         Against a plain wall highlighting the performer

·         With all three girls in the shot, showing them as a band
Close up/Extreme close up – a type of shot which tightly frames a person or an object
·         Showing one of us being happy, zooming in on them smiling

·         Including it with a focus pull, with a specific object
 High angle shot – looking down on the performer
·         Making contact with the camera

·         Including a point of view shot with another person looking down at the other
Low angle shot – looking up at the performer
·         Someone singing into the camera (lower down- from far away)

·         Then walking forward depth of field
 Dolly zoom – the camera following the actor’s movements smoothly
·         Coming in from an angle towards a performer

·         Them keeping the camera/eye contact as the camera finds them from a distance
Long take – walking towards the camera (down a corridor etc)
·         Walking through an ally at Hylands

·         All three of us singing

·         Engaging with the camera

Synergy Artist Analysis


Above shows the album covers from Miley Cyrus' new release named "younger now". Above shows the album cover; front and back, with the same synergy on both of the covers. From this Miley has gone for the theme of bright colours, incorporating her old country vibes however making this look more pop, which will intrigue both her old audience, as well as enticing a new younger audience. The font on the back corresponds with the same font that was used within her website. This ensures that all platforms link together. In addition, the colour of the font used also links with the video as the font on the album is the same used when her name is presented, as well as this, 'younger now' is also put onto the video in the same font that is stitched onto the back of Cyrus' jacket. 'Younger now' is also presented on the parade truck, which is again the same font that is used throughout. The contrasting fonts of 'younger now' and the text used for the songs in the album links with the contrasting visuals that are used within the video, for example, the contrast of her old music; country and of her new music;pop. 

This video above is the single released by Miley Cyrus that is on her newly released album, also named "younger now". This video has the same theme as the album cover, therefore continuing with synergy throughout all of her work. She uses the idea of dolls and mannequins, which give the video a strange feel although this is what Miley is trying to do, she want to take her old country approach along with her breakthrough era, of the wrecking ball, which will always be held with Cyrus. Within the video, she uses the same colours that are on the website and on her album covers, making sure all of it is linked together and the artist has a secure image that is remembered by her audiences.

The font used in the website is also the same that is used on the front and back of the album cover. In addition to this, all of the same colours are used linking all platforms together, such as the yellow background of the home page and the main colour of the album. The use of yellow being the main colour is significant as Miley will be recognized with this, as it is bold and bright. 

Marsh Farm Outfits

This is the first of our looks for our shooting day at Marsh Farm. We wanted to have a link between all of our outfits throughout the video, such as when we filmed at Hylands we all wore checkered shirts, for this outfit we all wore double denim and our last outfit was linked through our hats, as Renae and Pip both wore denim skirts, and Sophie wore jeans, as shown below. 

This is the second outfit that we changed into where we filmed within the maize maze. We wanted to wear the hats within this location as we thought this would suit it best, with us looking like farmer girls, which is the approach we was trying to do. 

Cross Media Task

Within today's lesson we was taught on how synergy is used within the music industry, such as using connections throughout the website, digipak, video and promotion of the band. We analysed the band Daft Punk.

  • Their album named Random Access Memory gave us a visual idea of how the group presents themselves as a DJ band with futuristic and past visuals. For example their album  cover uses a mask animation picture, with the slanted italic font on the background for the songs in the album. They use this image and vibe throughout their work, such as in their website, digipak and teaser. Their album has a sci-fi vibe. 
The video above shows how daft punk released a teaser trailer for the release of their new album called Random Access Memory. This trailer relates with the album, due to the incorporation with the mask, as well as the motherboard and colour use of black and white lights. They also have "confidential" in the video, which could relate with the fact that the mask gives the vibe that the artist doesn't  want to be revealed, therefore they do not want to show themselves, however just portray an image. 

This video above is the actual video for their single released called 'Get Lucky'. This is the version that was made for MTV which is aimed towards a younger audience. Within this video, they use synergy by the use of the mask worn by the background band members. In addition, pharrell is dressed in a costume in black and white which has flexes of white lights, linking with the motherboard bright lights in the teaser video. The use of cartoon also relates back to the idea of sci-fi with a vibe of transformers and space. In addition this shows gives another synergistic approach of a vintage throw back, linking with the use of the vinyl in the teaser video. This is to entice the audience that is already present to Daft Punk and have been fans for years. MTV also use pharrell within this video, and glorify him, as this gives the video a present approach rather than just having a past and future visuals. The glove close up within this video, is the exact same as used in the teaser video, creating another link. 

As for the original video, this is a video that is more aimed towards their original target audience and their current fans, for this reason they don't have to incorporate futuristic and pop visuals within the video as the fans already know Daft Punk. The titles within this at the beginning of the video do have the same font style that is used on the album, therefore presenting synergy also in this video. Although pharrell is in this video, he isn't glorified like in the MTV video as Daft Punk do not need to lure an audience, by using the popularity of a current artist, they already have a fan base. Within this, they use the idea of the past by having grainy effects layered over the top of the video, as well as using old props such as the old fashioned car and the camera. However, this then switch's to the futuristic idea with the robot heads in the streets, which keeps the theme of technology and sci-fi, which was their original approach. 

Marsh Farm Film Evidence

Above is a video diary that was filmed whilst our group was at Marsh Farm. It shows evidence of our different locations that we filmed and visited around the farm, such as the stables, with the mini tractors and in the barn. 

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Cloning Practice

This is an example of a practice of cloning to be used within the music video. We decided to have a grid of four which would only fit two of us into the frame. Pip and Sophie are shown lip syncing within these shots. We like this editing technique and are looking to use it throughout within the music video as we believe it will give it an extra touch rather than just being basic single shots throughout. Another reason we wanted to use this technique is because we have a variety of shots we would like to pair together when there is more than one of us singing at the same time, this will allow us to have two people singing in the video. 

Our teacher analysed this video and suggested that we add in Renae also as we are a band of three, which we intend to do so. If we do not use this shot we will use this technique with different footage inserted. 

Monday 16 October 2017

Website Analysis

As you can see the opening home page for Rihanna’s website which welcomes the visitors with an array of different images linking Rihanna to her recent events, products, music or news, as well as other features. This page really entices the audience from the minute they go on the page as they have such a wide choice for what to view as well as look up about the artist. There are a variety of pages that are located on the left of the website which consists of different topics such as photos, charity page and links to all of Rihanna social medias, let’s take a look at some of the pages. 
1.     As you can see the Now page gives visitors an overview of what is occurring wit Rihanna such as recent performances and releases with her new products.
2.     Moreover, she has two separate pages for her Videos and Photos. The videos page is in an organised presentation so that when you hover over image, this shows where you can click on to play the video, for example, the first one is loyalty. Secondly, the photos page is in the same structure as the video page, however the image that needs to be clicked on is to relocate the user to the album of that image. This is interesting as this enables the audience to get a wide overview of the images within the website.
3.     The music page could potentially be the basis of this website as Rihanna is internationally known for her no.1 songs such as Work and Diamonds. This is a convenient page for the visitors as it clearly shows the albums which can then take the visitor to a page to listen to the music. As you can see this is the anti-album, her most recent, and when you click on the song, it shows the lyrics. This is a key feature within this page as this allows the audience too take a look at all of the words Rihanna sings in her songs.
4.     Moving onto the beauty page, which has been a huge breakthrough for Rihanna in this industry. This redirects the user to the fenty beauty page for her new range, where products can be purchased and viewed.
5.     As well as the beauty being a large part of Rihanna’s events recently, her fashion has also been a wide success globally. This is an interesting feature with the old smoked out images in black and white. This also has the feature just like the photos and home page, where when the audience clicks on something that interests them, such as the puma creeper, this then takes the audience to the page with information on this product.
6.     As for the tour page, this does not have a lot of information as Rihanna is not on tour at the moment.
7.     This charity page I believe to be the most interesting and heart-warming page as many artists do not involve this feature in their website, showing that Rihanna is not all about herself and is willing to donate money and promote for this charity. On this page you can choose how much to donate.
8.     The biography page also has incredible editing incorporated allowing all of the information to blend together as seen here whilst scrolling down, this shows information on previous history for Rihanna, which is key for an audience to view from the artist.
9.     In addition, the shop page takes the visitor to another page where they can purchase items that Rihanna has released.
10.  As for the fragrance page, this gives the audience a clear overview of the amount of perfumes and scents Rihanna has released such as her rollerballs and full bottle perfumes.
11.  Stance stocks is not available for today therefore we shall move onto the sign up page where fans and audiences can sign up to the newsletter where information could be sent to fans emails where they can keep up to date with the artist’s recent news.
12.  Lastly the more page is a feature for visitors to find if they would like to access all the terms and conditions of the website and products of Rihanna’s.
13.  And finally Rihanna has links to all of the social medias on the bottom of the website.

Music Video